Welcome to the MACOPHARMA reporting portal

According to our ethic rules and the current regulations, this platform allows the secure exchange and reporting of crimes and offenses, environmental damage and damage to persons. It is available for all MACOPHARMA personnel.

You can report the existence of any situation you have knowledge of that you feel may have a negative impact here.
Your confidentiality is assured and will never be released.
Organisation profile

Organisation MACOPHARMA

To know

Each report has its own chat system for sending and receiving messages. These exchanges respect the choice of the declaration author if they wished to remain anonymous.
Only the designated referents will be the recipients of the infomation you will send us by filling the form. You can also follow your report and exchange with the referents thanks to the confidential code generated by the platform during your report transmission. All reports will be subject to a rigorous analysis and detailled internal audit.